January 2022 Email Newsletter

                2021 was a whirlwind for OLT, as we learned lessons from 2020’s onset of COVID and how we could move forward with our stewardship, new projects and conservation activities in a meaningful way. Thanks to your support, we created some great opportunities and put into place new ways for better outreach […]

December 2021 Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends, As friends of Ozark Land Trust, you know that by permanently protecting lands, land trusts help combat many adverse impacts on our natural resources. But not everyone is fully aware of what land trusts accomplish; sometimes the work of protecting millions of acres of lands flies under the radar. This week, though, one […]

November 2021 Monthly Newsletter

Thanks, Trivia and (Giving) Tuesday! This weekend we thank you all for your continuing support of Ozark Land Trust and conservation in the Ozark region. We couldn’t do any of our work protecting and restoring forests and watersheds, parks and farms, and everything in between, without your continuing support. So we especially want to share […]

October 2021 Monthly Newsletter

Hi Friends! Want to participate in a fun activity that benefits conservation across the Ozarks region? Join us on December 11 at 7:00 pm for a Virtual Trivia Night benefitting Ozark Land Trust – sponsored by Venku. This virtual event can be enjoyed wherever you are most comfortable and have a stable internet connection on a computer. You team can be in the same […]

September 2021 Monthly Newsletter

Hi friends: So many of us have spent so much more time apart from one another during the past year than we normally experience. One of the best ways to combat that “solitary fatigue” has been to experience the outdoors, whether close to home or on rivers, trails and with other natural resource opportunities. What […]

August 2021 Monthly Newsletter

Hi friends: We have THREE ways to get more involved with Ozark, with one is coming up at the end of August, and you can meet our newest OLT staff member Abby, too! Workday at Schulze Nature Preserve in Washington, MO Please join us on Saturday, August 28th from 9:30am to 2pm for a volunteer workday at […]

June 2021:Members Advisory Committee and Annual Members Meetings!

Join us ONLINE for two upcoming meetings to get more involved and learn more about the work Ozark Land Trust is doing. Wednesday, June 9, 5 pm: Members Advisory Committee. Want to help OLT with developing our outreach to our members, supporters and landowners, and to offer ideas to OLT Board and staff? Join us […]

May 2021 Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends: Greetings and we hope you are able to start resuming your normal outdoor activities. We are, and we hope to see you soon! New and Enhanced Staff We’re pleased to announce great staff news! Jessica Smith (left), who has been with OLT since last summer on a part-time basis, assumes the full-time role […]

April 2021 Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends: We have two upcoming opportunities for Ozark Land Trust’s supporters to join us in June. We hope you can join us for both or either. Members Advisory Committee – June 9th Wednesday, June 9: Our new Members Advisory Committee will meet at 5 pm by Zoom to continue our discussions about ways our […]

March 2021 Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends, Welcome to Spring! We encourage everyone to enjoy the outdoors in whatever way you can, from birdwatching in the backyard to floating on the Ozarks’ great waterways. As always, we encourage you to follow the advice of CDC and other public health agencies on the best ways to protect yourself in dealing with […]