ORLT Partners with Landowners and Conservation Agencies in the Field
Empowering people to protect the natural resources of the Ozarks forever is the lynchpin of Ozark Regional Land Trust’s work. This can sometimes include assistance with land management. With grant support from various sources and partnering with the Missouri Department of Conservation, ORLT works with farmers and ranchers in high priority areas to manage for the conservation of clean water and healthy natural resources.
These pictures show recent work completed on private property near Huzzah Creek to install a cattle watering system away from the creek. The win-win goals of this and other projects like it are to meet the production needs of the landowner; this includes maintaining and/or improving the aquatic habitat conditions and health of the creeks, rivers, and the land around it.
The livestock watering distribution system provides clean and dependable water to cattle at various locations on the property away from the streams. When cattle are excluded from the creek, benefits include a more stable stream bank, less soil and nutrients going into the creek, better-regulated water temperature, in-stream cover for aquatic life, and improved wildlife habitat within the wooded area around the stream.
Fishers and Farmers
ORLT is excited to announce that it was recently awarded a “Fishers & Farmers” grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Working alongside the Missouri Department of Conservation, ORLT will continue to assist landowners in the Huzzah and Courtois Creek areas; both important tributaries in the Upper Meramec River. Stay tuned for more information on the Fishers & Farmers project in upcoming months!
Land Trust Alliance Competition Video Update
Our submission has been made for the competition! We are excitedly waiting to find out if the video created by J.P. Scott for ORLT will make it through the first round of judging. This round will take all video submissions and narrow them down to the best ten. From there, the competition voting begins and the video with the most total daily votes wins.
The announcement for the first round sections will be announced on October 16th with one month of voting following that. Keep a lookout for a special email update for our submission!