OLT at 40: A Promise for the Future

image of trees, river and the sky with Ozark Land Trust celebrating 40 years

Our goal is to double our Operating Endowment to well over $1 million. Our robust Stewardship Endowment lets us monitor and keep safe the lands we already have under protection. We now need to focus on our operating endowment so we grow a substantial Operating Endowment that will help ensure we can fully staff our efforts to protect even more lands.

It’s time to secure a Promise for the Future for decades by building our OLT Operating Endowment. Donate now!
Be sure to note on your donation that this is specifically for the Operating Endowment.

For every piece of land OLT protects, there is a story—of the natural history of the land, of families who have lived and worked there, of the incredible habitats and species we must conserve if the Ozarks are to remain the beloved place so near and dear to us all. As we celebrate our first 40 years, OLT’s mission is evident in the more than 30,000 acres it currently protects. Our founder Gregg Galbraith and his fellow tireless volunteers made a commitment to bioregionalism, focusing on the permanent protection of Ozark lands and waters as places for us to live, work and play, with natural resources and habitat front and center.

quote from OLT supporterThat vision has inspired the growth leading to today’s professional staff and board members across the Ozark region, working with landowners and other partners to protect forests, farms, watersheds, prairies, scenic views and more. From the banks of the Missouri River in St. Louis to the majesty of the Boston Mountains in northern Arkansas, the Ozarks are a one-of-a-kind gift that need our perpetual stewardship.

We could not have accomplished any of our work without our essential partners – the landowners who want to ensure that their properties will never be developed, and supporters who provide the resources that allow us to protect more Ozark lands forever. By the time we get to our 50th year, wouldn’t it be something if our protected lands grew to 50,000 acres or more? We think so, too. And a strong Operating Endowment can make that a reality!

Your gift, dedicated to the Operating Endowment, will let us generate investment income to keep us growing and doing what you most want us to do – protect more land.

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