As OLT celebrated 40 years, there was a concerted campaign launched to focus on enhancing our operating endowment. Protecting land in perpetuity means being prepared with enough in reserves to make sure we can weather whatever comes our way. To do that, we need a robust endowment.
Thanks to the gifts of the contributors listed below, we now have an additional $250,000 as part of our operating endowment, which is truly a Promise for the Future of OLT, and conservation in the Ozarks.
In Recognition of:
John Aloysius
Bass Pro Shops
Dan and Connie Burkhardt
Community Foundation of the Ozarks
Dan Curran
Michael P. Currier
Mark R. Curtis
Donald L. Dick
Harold and Jill Draper
Abbe Ehlers
Joe Engeln
Gregg Galbraith
Debbie L. Gittinger
Dr. Dane Glueck
Diana L. Gray
Edward G. and Marilyn T. Heisel
Karen and Dwight Massey
Frederick George McQueary, M.D.
Missouri Department of Conservation
Bob and Sharon Morgan
Harvard Muhm
Charlie and Mary Beth O’Reilly
Pioneer Forest, LLC
Anne W. B. Prichard
Gus and Shanna Raeker
James Reeves
Brad W. Robbins
Debra Schilling Smith
Andrew L. and Diann Thomas
Jeffrey J. Winzerling
Jim and Lois Wyman